Thursday, November 29, 2007

Alliance System
1. Started by Bismarck
2.Bismarck tried to befriend Austria, Russia, Italy and Britain in order to isolate France.
3. Bismarck organized a system of alliances designed to maintain Germany's hegemony on the European continent.
4.After the Franco-Prussian War
5.France had been defeated by Germany in 1871

Trench Warfare
1. A form of war
2.Opposing armies have static lines of defense.
3. Arose when a revolution of firepower was going on.
4.No rise in communication or mobility.
5. During American Civil War, Western Front, WW1.

Total War
1. Military conflict
2. Nations mobilize all available resources in order to destroy another nation's ability to engage in war.
3. Middle to late 19th century.

1. Controlled distribution of resources
2. Scarce goods or services.
3. Controls the size of the ration.
4. Rationing existed in many countries including the United Kingdom and the United States
5. Often instituted during wartime for civilians.

1. Often used to influence opinions
2. Particularly during the split between the Catholic Church and the Protestants.
3. Become more common in political contexts.
4. translated from the Latin gerundive as "things which must be disseminated",

Treaty of Versailles
1. June 28, 1919
2. Peace Treaty
3. WW1
4. Betwwen the Allied Associated Powers and Germany
5. Exactly 5 years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

1. Authoritarian political ideology
2. Ethnic, cultural, racial, and religious attributes
3. Benito Mussolini
4. Giovanni Gentile
5. Curzio Malaparte

1. Some political scientists
2. Karl Popper
3. Hannah Arendt
4. Attempt to mobilize entire population
5. Carl Friedrich

Adolf Hitler
1. 04/20/1889-04/30/1945
2. German Politician
3. Became leader of National Socialist German Workers Party (The Nazi Party)
4. Upon the death of President Paul von Hindenburg Hitler declared himself Fuhrer (ruler).
5. Persued an aggressive foreign policy.

1. WW2
2. Final Solution of the Jewish Question
3. 9 to 11 million victims
4. Adolf Hitler
5. Concentration camps

1. The best known D-Day is June 6, 1944
2. The Battle Of Normandy
3. Operation Overlord
4. General Dwight D Eisenhower
5. Origninal; D-Day was set to be on June 5, 1944

Nuremberg Trials
1. A series of trials for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military and economic leadership Nazi Germany.
2. Held in Nuremberg, Germany
3. 1945 to 1949
4. Nuremburg Palace of Justice
5.British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had advocated a policy of summary execution with the Act of Attainder.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Missing 2 for total war and other examples of total war are found outside of the 19th century

What about war time propaganda for one of the descriptors for propaganda?

Descriptors for Totalitarian do not really describe what that govt. is like.

Why is D-Day important?

Your Holocaust log is a model of what I'm looking for.

55/60 points.

Great job overall.