Thursday, November 29, 2007

1. If Columbus had never discovered the part of Amaerica that he did we would probably be slighty influenced more by a country like France.
2. I think that if Abraham Lincoln didn't buy the Louisiana area from Napoleon we would have went to war with France because I think that Napoleon would have tried to take over North America, I also think we would have won the war.
3. I think that If the Industrial revolution would have never happened that the people of Europe would have expireinced a mass wipeout similar to the Black Plague.
4. If the African people had all fought back like the Ethiopian peole fought back their wouldn't have been that much of a slave trade going on.
5. If the reformation had never happened or sparked by Martin Luther we would still all be catholic and buying indulgences.
6. If the Americans had lost to Great Britian in the American Revolution we would still pay high taxes on tea and magazines.
7. If the Decloration of Independence was never written by Thomas Jefferson this country would be crazy or insane pandemonium.
8. If the slave trade never existed there wouldn't be many African American people in the America's
9. If transportation had never been invented past the wheel and wagon people would be more healthier from more manditory exercise.
10. If the Combution engine had never been invented the globel warming wouldn't be as serious as it is now.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Number 1 doesn't have much to do with the time period we're working with.

Number 2: We didn't go to war with France, and we Jefferson, not Lincoln, bought the Louisiana territory.

Number 3: Huh? Needs more explanation.

Number 4: You mean colonizing? The slave trade ended by the imperial times.

Number 5: Is from a previous unit.

Number 6: Ok- this is a possibility.

Number 7: Need more explanation

Number 8: Previous unit

Number 9: True

Number 10: True

You're on the right track, but not necessarily 100% correct or on topic. As is you earned 13/20 points.