Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Deep Sea Dving Through Air

If I were to explore the deep outer untouched eons of space I would imagine to be a pretty wealthy dude. I mean people are getting paid lots of money by discovering new things and ideas that help evolve. Another important reason as to why I think I would be wealthy is becuase I would be risking my life and my life is more valuable than any some of money. You wouldn't know what was out there so how could pretect yourself from something you've never seen. I would go because I would like to travel through space and see land no human beign from the planet earth has seen. I would also do it to kill aliens if threated by them.

1 comment:

carrie said...

I hope you wouldn't run into any aggressive aliens :)

Good details for why you would go into outer space. Do you think you would have joined on the crew of Columbus' first voyage across the Atlantic?

A few small errors, but overall it's well written and stays on topic. 18/20 points.