Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Nazi's And Their Mustard.

The Mustard

Running to the trenches with 20/20 sight
Gun in hand locked and cocked all threw the night
Gun fire blazes up then suddenly comes to a halt
Up out of the trench unaware of the thought
That a hot smell could burn away your eye
German voices are heard yelling, Sterben!! "die"
Legs crumble under me, thinking of loved ones
Gasping for air an only getting blood by tons

I dont think you want to stand in the blind line
Your left on my left is how we find other mankind
Ration bag on the hip instead of a military issued gun
A white paped mask instead of eyes that see the sun
Body aching and cold darkness sends shivers of the end
Not knowing what your up against inside the gas within
Revenge is not the answer but revolution is key
I wish I could get to "see" the Nazi again who put that Mustard on me
Put on your mask on tight and always look twice
The Mustard is lurking waiting quietly like mice

Fascist Pie

Traders of Mother Russia stand in a line
Which seems impossible with backbones made of slime
So many traders gather under one trader coward,
Who soon comes falling down like one of the Twin Tower

So stand in line if you want your slice of Fascist pie
It will kill shortly after consumption but "o'well" so try
Solute your cook or supplier of madness (Hitler)
Unless you disagree with the "Kochbuch verrückt seitdem" (Cook Book Of Mad Since)
Eat your pie fast and stare gloriously at your Cheif
Stand ferm with your arm out and wave the flag in false victory
So what does this mean you ask if one has so many followers?
Lack of common since is what I say to the world we call ours

The people of civilization commonly disagree
To the thoughts of Hitler just like you and me

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Alliance System
1. Started by Bismarck
2.Bismarck tried to befriend Austria, Russia, Italy and Britain in order to isolate France.
3. Bismarck organized a system of alliances designed to maintain Germany's hegemony on the European continent.
4.After the Franco-Prussian War
5.France had been defeated by Germany in 1871

Trench Warfare
1. A form of war
2.Opposing armies have static lines of defense.
3. Arose when a revolution of firepower was going on.
4.No rise in communication or mobility.
5. During American Civil War, Western Front, WW1.

Total War
1. Military conflict
2. Nations mobilize all available resources in order to destroy another nation's ability to engage in war.
3. Middle to late 19th century.

1. Controlled distribution of resources
2. Scarce goods or services.
3. Controls the size of the ration.
4. Rationing existed in many countries including the United Kingdom and the United States
5. Often instituted during wartime for civilians.

1. Often used to influence opinions
2. Particularly during the split between the Catholic Church and the Protestants.
3. Become more common in political contexts.
4. translated from the Latin gerundive as "things which must be disseminated",

Treaty of Versailles
1. June 28, 1919
2. Peace Treaty
3. WW1
4. Betwwen the Allied Associated Powers and Germany
5. Exactly 5 years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

1. Authoritarian political ideology
2. Ethnic, cultural, racial, and religious attributes
3. Benito Mussolini
4. Giovanni Gentile
5. Curzio Malaparte

1. Some political scientists
2. Karl Popper
3. Hannah Arendt
4. Attempt to mobilize entire population
5. Carl Friedrich

Adolf Hitler
1. 04/20/1889-04/30/1945
2. German Politician
3. Became leader of National Socialist German Workers Party (The Nazi Party)
4. Upon the death of President Paul von Hindenburg Hitler declared himself Fuhrer (ruler).
5. Persued an aggressive foreign policy.

1. WW2
2. Final Solution of the Jewish Question
3. 9 to 11 million victims
4. Adolf Hitler
5. Concentration camps

1. The best known D-Day is June 6, 1944
2. The Battle Of Normandy
3. Operation Overlord
4. General Dwight D Eisenhower
5. Origninal; D-Day was set to be on June 5, 1944

Nuremberg Trials
1. A series of trials for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military and economic leadership Nazi Germany.
2. Held in Nuremberg, Germany
3. 1945 to 1949
4. Nuremburg Palace of Justice
5.British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had advocated a policy of summary execution with the Act of Attainder.

War is necessary

I beleive that war is necessary because it give you another alternative to solving problems that cant be talked out over the conference table. War isn't all good, the bad effects of war are the drafts unecessary reasons of war like simple revenge. I think that war should only be extracted for a country wide reason or if terrorist attack the country for no reason in an act of war. War is also necesssary for self defense of alien inveders from another planet. War should be conducted in an isolatyed area were civilian casualties wont exist.
1. If Columbus had never discovered the part of Amaerica that he did we would probably be slighty influenced more by a country like France.
2. I think that if Abraham Lincoln didn't buy the Louisiana area from Napoleon we would have went to war with France because I think that Napoleon would have tried to take over North America, I also think we would have won the war.
3. I think that If the Industrial revolution would have never happened that the people of Europe would have expireinced a mass wipeout similar to the Black Plague.
4. If the African people had all fought back like the Ethiopian peole fought back their wouldn't have been that much of a slave trade going on.
5. If the reformation had never happened or sparked by Martin Luther we would still all be catholic and buying indulgences.
6. If the Americans had lost to Great Britian in the American Revolution we would still pay high taxes on tea and magazines.
7. If the Decloration of Independence was never written by Thomas Jefferson this country would be crazy or insane pandemonium.
8. If the slave trade never existed there wouldn't be many African American people in the America's
9. If transportation had never been invented past the wheel and wagon people would be more healthier from more manditory exercise.
10. If the Combution engine had never been invented the globel warming wouldn't be as serious as it is now.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Unit #5 Descriptive Logs

Heliocentric Theory
2.Solar system
3.The word has come from the Greek (Helios = Sun and kentron = Center).
4.Opposed to geocentrism
5. Copernicus presented a fully predictive mathematical model of a heliocentric system

1.02/15/1564 – 01/08/1642
2.Italian Physicist

1.Intellectual movement
2.The acquisition of new wisdom or understanding enabling clarity of perception.
3.The Enlightenment is said to end around the year 1800 and the beginning of the Napoleonic Wars (1804–15)

Absolute Manarch
1.Rule by one person
2.King or Queen
3.Form of Govenrment
4.The monarch has the power to rule his or her land or country and its citizens freely, with no laws or legally organized direct opposition in force.

Louis 14th
1.The Sun King
2.Took the throne on May 14, 1643
3.09/05/1638- 09/01/1715
4. King of France and of Navarre

French Revolution
2.A period of political and social upheaval
3.France and Europe
4.Based on Enlightenment
5.These changes were accompanied by violent turmoil, including executions and repression during the Reign of Terror.

Napoleon Bonaparte
2.French military and political leader
3. Emperor of the French (Empereur des Français), King of Italy
4. Napoleonic Code
5.Born in Corsica and trained in mainland France as an artillery officer.

Industrial Revolution
1.Late 18th and early 19th centuries
2.Major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation
3.The development of all-metal machine tools in the first two decades of the 19th century
4.Spread throughout Western Europe and North America during the 19th century, eventually affecting most of the world.
5.It started with the mechanisation of the textile industries

Adam Smith
2.Scottish moral philosopher
3A major contributor to the modern perception of free market economics.
4."The Theory of Moral Sentiments" (1759)
5. "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" (1776)

Karl Marx
2.19th century philosopher, political economist, and revolutionary.
3.Most famous for his analysis of history
4.Marx believed that like all other socioeconomic systems, capitalism will be displaced by communism.
5.Called the father of communism

1.Forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial conquest.
2.Imperialism is often autocratic
3.Found in the ancient histories of Rome, Greece.
4.Any instance of a greater power acting or being perceived to act at the expense of a lesser power.
5.not only describes colonial, territorial policies, but also describes economic dominance and influence.

1. Refers to a doctrine or political movement.
2.Usually defined in terms of ethnicity or culture.
3.Had an enormous influence on world history.
4.Nationalism is a form of universalism when it makes universal claims about how the world should be organized.

A Changing Land

The European colonization has changed the New and Old world in many ways. It has brought many different flavors of culture to the land. The colonization and slave trade shook up the world's population in a sauce bowl and spilled some on the way. The slave trade is one of the biggest reasons for African Americans being in North and South America. It changed the European life for a short while because of the sudden wealth coming in from the slave trade and the explorations of explorers and the colonies they formed. The explorations changed and helped the diets of the New and Old World people. Disease wiped out the native population simply from the explorations, colonies, and trades between the New and Old World. As you can see the European colonization has changed the landscape and lives of people of the New and Old world in many ways.

Monday, November 5, 2007

The New Land

I Christopher Columbus would like to sail the coast of europe by the end of this year of 1491 and go west across the earth to find another route to asia. The things I ask for as pay is 1/10th of the gold, land and spices found during my journey. For foundage I only need three ships with caravel sails that will allow me to sail faster then any other ship. I will use the navigation of a compass throughout the journey so I will get there befor any one esle. The only way I knew I could do this to do it for Spain and Queen Isabella. When I land on the new land I shall claim the land and everything on it in the name of Spain and immediatly set up Catholic churches throughout the land and if there is another form of society on the new land I shall convert them or bring them into the Catholic religion by persuasion. It shall only take 7 weeks at the most to reach the new land. I shall set sail as soon as possible.

C. Comlubus October 11 ,1492

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


1.Central Mexico

2.Aztec Empire

3.Small pox put break

4.Native Americans

5.agriculture based economy



2.Short lived Empire (about 100 years)


4.Macchu Picchu


Christopher Columbus

1.Italian explorer

2.Made 4 trips

3.1452- 1506

4.1492 Columbus explored the America's

5.224 days round trip for one voyage


1.In every countries best interst in exploratation times



4.Setteled in by colonist

5.over seas possesion




3.Hernando Cortez's men



Hernando Cortes

1.Spanish explorer/soldier

2.Hernando de Soto

3.Christopher Columbus

4.Invaded Mexico

5. 15th - 19th century

Francisco Pizarro

1.Trujillo, Estremadura, Spian


3.Little education level




1." to mix"

2.Spanish term

3.people of other mixtures of ethic



Middle Passage

1.The forced transportation upon african people to the new world

2.Middle portion of triangular trade

3.Consisted of kidnapped africans or african prisoneers

4.About 700 slaves at a time on one ship

5.Between 9.4 and 12 million africans arrived to the new world this way.

Triangular Trade

1.Trade between 3 ports

2.West Indies, West Africa, England

3.Sugar, rum, molasses

4.Sea Lanes

Columbian Exchange

1.The Grand Exchange
2.Wide spraed of animals, plants, human population, and diseases

3.small pox


5.yellow fever

Deep Sea Dving Through Air

If I were to explore the deep outer untouched eons of space I would imagine to be a pretty wealthy dude. I mean people are getting paid lots of money by discovering new things and ideas that help evolve. Another important reason as to why I think I would be wealthy is becuase I would be risking my life and my life is more valuable than any some of money. You wouldn't know what was out there so how could pretect yourself from something you've never seen. I would go because I would like to travel through space and see land no human beign from the planet earth has seen. I would also do it to kill aliens if threated by them.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gutenburg priting press VS. Calculator

I think that the invention of the caculator has had the most similar spread of education as the Gutenburg Printing Press because if you think about it calculators are in every country on the globe. The printing press spread the education of many thing literature is the biggest form of education but when you break it down into smaller groups like religion, news or politics it reveals all of its true origin. The calculator today in modern times can have games and graphs on them to show point plots and line graphs.
Japanese Calculator

Thursday, October 11, 2007

"Carpe diem" why or why not?

I like the saying carpe diem because it has to do with having fun now and forgetting about the now and then. I also like the saying because I like to have fun but I also disagree to the saying because your actions direct your future and I think ahead and I know what will happen if I do something bad.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Rip Von Dutch

Rip Van Winkle was born in a Dutch colony in Britain during Peter Stuyvesant reign. Rip Van Winkle was a descendant of the Van Winkles. This story is about a young man that marries a mean wife that nags him for being lazy. One day he was chilling with his friends and his wife started tripping, so he grabbed his dog wolf and gun and left into the woods. While walking in the woods he met this short fellow. The fellow joined him and they soon walked up on these other short people that reminded Rip of a Flemish painting.
Everybody got drunk and then Rip left and fell asleep under a tree for 20 years and when he woke up everybody he disappeared and everything had changed cause but he first saw a river flowing that wasn’t there before he fell asleep. When he walked home he noticed the town and towns people weren’t the same.
Everyone looked at Rip like he was a frozen dinosaur in the middle of Wall Street. Then someone finally questioned Rip of his coming to the town. Rip told the people he was a loyal person to the King, then everyone went crazy and started thinking that rip was a Tory. Rip saw that his house had been ruined by time and that it had fallen in to gravity. Unknowingly Rip’s daughter asked him who was he looking for and he told her the name of her mother and at that point she told Rip that he was her father.


I think that the poem Thanatopsis is trying to tell people not to be scared of death because everyone dies at some point. The poem is also saying that earth is "the tomb of man" meaning everyone goes back into the earth after they’re dead and gone. When you think about death and after scared or worried about dying just think of nature.

Rope Walk

This poem is trying to take your mind off of a long boring day of work. The biggest image that stood out to me in the poem is the part "Then within a prison-yard,Faces fixed, and stern, and hard, Laughter and indecent mirth; Ah! it is the gallows-tree! Breath of Christian charity, Blow, and sweep it from the earth! " Which is talking about a prison yard that has a rope tied into a lynch. The poem "Ropewalk" is a good example of Romanticism because it refers to nature by talking about the wind blowing the tree gallows out of the ground. The poem also an example of romanticism because it makes you use your imagination to imagine the 2 maidens swinging in the rope swing "Two fair maidens in a swing Like white doves upon the wing, First before my vision pass; Laughing, as their gentle hands Closely clasp the twisted strands, At their shadow on the grass.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


1. What is the name of your fasting season? Ramadan
2. How often do you pray ?5 times everyday
3.What is the name of your gods ?Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus Jewish
1. What do Rabbi's wear during worship? Kippah's and Yarmulke's
2. Day of praise? Friday
3. What is the book of refernce used by Judiasm? The Torah scroll
1. What are your praise buildings called? Synagogue
2. When did catholicism Start? Around A.D 33
3. What is the name of your god? Jesus

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I think religion exist because different people have different thoughts about the worlds creator of the evolution of mankind. If everyone were the same religion, religion wouldn’t matter amongst people. Religion exists because each one is different in all types of ways and that’s because there are all types of people. Religion is effected by territorial disagreements because it can cause a religion to decline a little in population and respect. Extremist are very passionate or dedicated to their religion and can get crazy when it comes down to their religion.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Describtive Logs

Michael Johnson
The worship of more than one god.
Ancient Greece and Rome religion.
Belief in one supreme god
Historical Polytheism includes Sumerian, and Egyptian
Zeus, Achilles, Alexander The Great, Poseidon, Neptune etc…
Can bear various relation
Can be incompatible with some forms of theism
It can exist at lower level of understanding
It is in the classical religious of Greece and Rome

Belief in the oneness of god
Distinguish from polytheism
A later development in the history of religious
Higher form of religion
Find it difficult to answer questions about evil





1. )Was the most widespread a historically significally writing system in ancient middle east
2. )May be traced back approximately to the end of the 4th millennium
3. )Stands for the Assyrian word irsitu, or Earth
4. ) Have been used since as early as 8000 B.C.E
5. )3D Geometric shapes
1.Was first used to describe Egyptian hieroglyphics
2.Written in rows or columns
3.Alphabetic, Syllabic, word-signs, and determinative
4.4th century
5.ceased after closing of all non- Christian temples in A.D.391.
Hamammurabi’s Code
1.Known as Codex Hammurabi
2.Created by Hammurabi
3.Exalted prince that feared god.
4.Was one of many sets of laws in the Near East
5.One of the first Dynasty Kings
"Golden Age"
1A period of great peace, prosperity, and happiness.
2.Condition of humanity
3.New Age spiritual community
4.Highest Age (Greek Spectrum)
5.First age in the world
6.Followed b the Silver, Bronze, and Iron ages
Mandate of Heaven
1.Traditional Chinese Sovereignty concept of legitimacy used to support the rule of the kings of the Zhou
2.T’ien Ming
3.Acnient China
4.Affected Chinese culture in physiology
1.Rule of family by senior males
2.The Bishops in Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, Assyrian Church of the East ,and Roman Catholic Church
3.Acient Greek word meaning, leader, chief, king etc…
5.One of the scriptural fathers of the human race or of the Hebrew people
6.A venerable old man
7. A Mormon of the Melchizedek priesthood empowered to perform the ordinances of the church and pronounce blessings within a stake or prescribed jurisdiction.

1.City state
2.Dark age period

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Romulus and Remus

Romulus and Remus are the great nephews of the king of Alba Longa Amulius. Their great uncle Amulius fought their grandfather(Numitor) and exiled him from the family. Amulius put Numitors daughter (Rhea Silvia) on lock down (cant marry anybody) . Mars didn’t care so he married her anyway and had twins( Romulus and Remus). Romulus and Remus were raised by a shepherd named Faustulus and his wife who named them. The boys grew up and built two cities, fought and Remus became king of both cities.
I thought the legend was very entertaining and violent. I also thought Remus was kind of slow because he’s looking at his dead great uncle’s corpse saying, "we’ve come to kill you". Remus then redeemed himself at the end by killing his brother, which changed my thoughts about him.
Reading this story tells me that the civilization was a kill to survive type of civilization, because everyone killing each other for the top spot in the government, which I think, I might like. It also tells me that the civilization weren’t as developed as they are today because the kings fought the cities’battles himself by himself unlike today where the president sends his are of military to fight.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

How civilized are we?By:Michael Johnson

"Civilezed" means: "To lead out of a state of barbarity to a more advanced stage of social developemnet" in the dictonary.I think that means to act with good behavior in society. I think that because if everbody acts with good behavior the local society will evolve into a utopia state.For right now the only thingsI know that be or become civilezed are things such as animals, insects and any other thinkg that not human and can die.I think that because civilization wouldn't matter if it couldn't die.