Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Romulus and Remus

Romulus and Remus are the great nephews of the king of Alba Longa Amulius. Their great uncle Amulius fought their grandfather(Numitor) and exiled him from the family. Amulius put Numitors daughter (Rhea Silvia) on lock down (cant marry anybody) . Mars didn’t care so he married her anyway and had twins( Romulus and Remus). Romulus and Remus were raised by a shepherd named Faustulus and his wife who named them. The boys grew up and built two cities, fought and Remus became king of both cities.
I thought the legend was very entertaining and violent. I also thought Remus was kind of slow because he’s looking at his dead great uncle’s corpse saying, "we’ve come to kill you". Remus then redeemed himself at the end by killing his brother, which changed my thoughts about him.
Reading this story tells me that the civilization was a kill to survive type of civilization, because everyone killing each other for the top spot in the government, which I think, I might like. It also tells me that the civilization weren’t as developed as they are today because the kings fought the cities’battles himself by himself unlike today where the president sends his are of military to fight.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Thorough post. I enjoyed reading it. This part made me chuckle, "I also thought Remus was kind of slow because he’s looking at his dead great uncle’s corpse saying, "we’ve come to kill you". Romulus was the one that killed Remus though. That's wht Rome was named Rome- after Romulus. Good interpretation of what the legend tells you about the society.
A few small errors, but overall well written. As is you earned 28/30 points. Keep up the good posts!