Thursday, September 27, 2007


1. What is the name of your fasting season? Ramadan
2. How often do you pray ?5 times everyday
3.What is the name of your gods ?Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus Jewish
1. What do Rabbi's wear during worship? Kippah's and Yarmulke's
2. Day of praise? Friday
3. What is the book of refernce used by Judiasm? The Torah scroll
1. What are your praise buildings called? Synagogue
2. When did catholicism Start? Around A.D 33
3. What is the name of your god? Jesus

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I think religion exist because different people have different thoughts about the worlds creator of the evolution of mankind. If everyone were the same religion, religion wouldn’t matter amongst people. Religion exists because each one is different in all types of ways and that’s because there are all types of people. Religion is effected by territorial disagreements because it can cause a religion to decline a little in population and respect. Extremist are very passionate or dedicated to their religion and can get crazy when it comes down to their religion.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Describtive Logs

Michael Johnson
The worship of more than one god.
Ancient Greece and Rome religion.
Belief in one supreme god
Historical Polytheism includes Sumerian, and Egyptian
Zeus, Achilles, Alexander The Great, Poseidon, Neptune etc…
Can bear various relation
Can be incompatible with some forms of theism
It can exist at lower level of understanding
It is in the classical religious of Greece and Rome

Belief in the oneness of god
Distinguish from polytheism
A later development in the history of religious
Higher form of religion
Find it difficult to answer questions about evil





1. )Was the most widespread a historically significally writing system in ancient middle east
2. )May be traced back approximately to the end of the 4th millennium
3. )Stands for the Assyrian word irsitu, or Earth
4. ) Have been used since as early as 8000 B.C.E
5. )3D Geometric shapes
1.Was first used to describe Egyptian hieroglyphics
2.Written in rows or columns
3.Alphabetic, Syllabic, word-signs, and determinative
4.4th century
5.ceased after closing of all non- Christian temples in A.D.391.
Hamammurabi’s Code
1.Known as Codex Hammurabi
2.Created by Hammurabi
3.Exalted prince that feared god.
4.Was one of many sets of laws in the Near East
5.One of the first Dynasty Kings
"Golden Age"
1A period of great peace, prosperity, and happiness.
2.Condition of humanity
3.New Age spiritual community
4.Highest Age (Greek Spectrum)
5.First age in the world
6.Followed b the Silver, Bronze, and Iron ages
Mandate of Heaven
1.Traditional Chinese Sovereignty concept of legitimacy used to support the rule of the kings of the Zhou
2.T’ien Ming
3.Acnient China
4.Affected Chinese culture in physiology
1.Rule of family by senior males
2.The Bishops in Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, Assyrian Church of the East ,and Roman Catholic Church
3.Acient Greek word meaning, leader, chief, king etc…
5.One of the scriptural fathers of the human race or of the Hebrew people
6.A venerable old man
7. A Mormon of the Melchizedek priesthood empowered to perform the ordinances of the church and pronounce blessings within a stake or prescribed jurisdiction.

1.City state
2.Dark age period

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Romulus and Remus

Romulus and Remus are the great nephews of the king of Alba Longa Amulius. Their great uncle Amulius fought their grandfather(Numitor) and exiled him from the family. Amulius put Numitors daughter (Rhea Silvia) on lock down (cant marry anybody) . Mars didn’t care so he married her anyway and had twins( Romulus and Remus). Romulus and Remus were raised by a shepherd named Faustulus and his wife who named them. The boys grew up and built two cities, fought and Remus became king of both cities.
I thought the legend was very entertaining and violent. I also thought Remus was kind of slow because he’s looking at his dead great uncle’s corpse saying, "we’ve come to kill you". Remus then redeemed himself at the end by killing his brother, which changed my thoughts about him.
Reading this story tells me that the civilization was a kill to survive type of civilization, because everyone killing each other for the top spot in the government, which I think, I might like. It also tells me that the civilization weren’t as developed as they are today because the kings fought the cities’battles himself by himself unlike today where the president sends his are of military to fight.