1.Central Mexico
2.Aztec Empire
3.Small pox put break
4.Native Americans
5.agriculture based economy
2.Short lived Empire (about 100 years)
4.Macchu Picchu
Christopher Columbus
1.Italian explorer
2.Made 4 trips
3.1452- 1506
4.1492 Columbus explored the America's
5.224 days round trip for one voyage
1.In every countries best interst in exploratation times
4.Setteled in by colonist
5.over seas possesion
3.Hernando Cortez's men
Hernando Cortes
1.Spanish explorer/soldier
2.Hernando de Soto
3.Christopher Columbus
4.Invaded Mexico
5. 15th - 19th century
Francisco Pizarro
1.Trujillo, Estremadura, Spian
3.Little education level
1." to mix"
2.Spanish term
3.people of other mixtures of ethic
Middle Passage
1.The forced transportation upon african people to the new world
2.Middle portion of triangular trade
3.Consisted of kidnapped africans or african prisoneers
4.About 700 slaves at a time on one ship
5.Between 9.4 and 12 million africans arrived to the new world this way.
Triangular Trade
1.Trade between 3 ports
2.West Indies, West Africa, England
3.Sugar, rum, molasses
4.Sea Lanes
Columbian Exchange
1.The Grand Exchange
2.Wide spraed of animals, plants, human population, and diseases
3.small pox
5.yellow fever
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Deep Sea Dving Through Air

If I were to explore the deep outer untouched eons of space I would imagine to be a pretty wealthy dude. I mean people are getting paid lots of money by discovering new things and ideas that help evolve. Another important reason as to why I think I would be wealthy is becuase I would be risking my life and my life is more valuable than any some of money. You wouldn't know what was out there so how could pretect yourself from something you've never seen. I would go because I would like to travel through space and see land no human beign from the planet earth has seen. I would also do it to kill aliens if threated by them.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Gutenburg priting press VS. Calculator

I think that the invention of the caculator has had the most similar spread of education as the Gutenburg Printing Press because if you think about it calculators are in every country on the globe. The printing press spread the education of many thing literature is the biggest form of education but when you break it down into smaller groups like religion, news or politics it reveals all of its true origin. The calculator today in modern times can have games and graphs on them to show point plots and line graphs.
Japanese Calculator
Thursday, October 11, 2007
"Carpe diem" why or why not?
I like the saying carpe diem because it has to do with having fun now and forgetting about the now and then. I also like the saying because I like to have fun but I also disagree to the saying because your actions direct your future and I think ahead and I know what will happen if I do something bad.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Rip Von Dutch
Rip Van Winkle was born in a Dutch colony in Britain during Peter Stuyvesant reign. Rip Van Winkle was a descendant of the Van Winkles. This story is about a young man that marries a mean wife that nags him for being lazy. One day he was chilling with his friends and his wife started tripping, so he grabbed his dog wolf and gun and left into the woods. While walking in the woods he met this short fellow. The fellow joined him and they soon walked up on these other short people that reminded Rip of a Flemish painting.
Everybody got drunk and then Rip left and fell asleep under a tree for 20 years and when he woke up everybody he disappeared and everything had changed cause but he first saw a river flowing that wasn’t there before he fell asleep. When he walked home he noticed the town and towns people weren’t the same.
Everyone looked at Rip like he was a frozen dinosaur in the middle of Wall Street. Then someone finally questioned Rip of his coming to the town. Rip told the people he was a loyal person to the King, then everyone went crazy and started thinking that rip was a Tory. Rip saw that his house had been ruined by time and that it had fallen in to gravity. Unknowingly Rip’s daughter asked him who was he looking for and he told her the name of her mother and at that point she told Rip that he was her father.
Everybody got drunk and then Rip left and fell asleep under a tree for 20 years and when he woke up everybody he disappeared and everything had changed cause but he first saw a river flowing that wasn’t there before he fell asleep. When he walked home he noticed the town and towns people weren’t the same.
Everyone looked at Rip like he was a frozen dinosaur in the middle of Wall Street. Then someone finally questioned Rip of his coming to the town. Rip told the people he was a loyal person to the King, then everyone went crazy and started thinking that rip was a Tory. Rip saw that his house had been ruined by time and that it had fallen in to gravity. Unknowingly Rip’s daughter asked him who was he looking for and he told her the name of her mother and at that point she told Rip that he was her father.
I think that the poem Thanatopsis is trying to tell people not to be scared of death because everyone dies at some point. The poem is also saying that earth is "the tomb of man" meaning everyone goes back into the earth after they’re dead and gone. When you think about death and after scared or worried about dying just think of nature.
Rope Walk
This poem is trying to take your mind off of a long boring day of work. The biggest image that stood out to me in the poem is the part "Then within a prison-yard,Faces fixed, and stern, and hard, Laughter and indecent mirth; Ah! it is the gallows-tree! Breath of Christian charity, Blow, and sweep it from the earth! " Which is talking about a prison yard that has a rope tied into a lynch. The poem "Ropewalk" is a good example of Romanticism because it refers to nature by talking about the wind blowing the tree gallows out of the ground. The poem also an example of romanticism because it makes you use your imagination to imagine the 2 maidens swinging in the rope swing "Two fair maidens in a swing Like white doves upon the wing, First before my vision pass; Laughing, as their gentle hands Closely clasp the twisted strands, At their shadow on the grass.
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